Those who knew Shane M. Gourd said he was a nice, quiet kid with a lot of friends.

And nearly 200 of them - and some of their parents - packed into the Pinconning High School library on Wednesday to talk about how his unexpected death on Tuesday is impacting them.

The school called in a group of grief counselors and several local clergy to talk to students about the 16-year-old, who had been a student in the Pinconning district since kindergarten.

Gourd also attended the Bay-Arenac ISD Career Center.

''He was a very well-liked student,'' said Pinconning Area Schools Superintendent Darren Kroczaleski. ''He was hardworking. He was quick with a smile. He was a very caring individual, a sweet kid. He has a great family, a loving family and it's a tragedy. He'll be deeply missed by the Pinconning Area Schools family.''

Schools often bring in grief counselors when a student or staff member dies. On Wednesday morning it was announced at the school that the counselors were available if anyone needed to talk - students or staff, Kroczaleski said.

''It was pretty full in there.''

School staff members also have been told to keep an eye out for students who may be struggling or need help but haven't come forward, he said. Those students are then encouraged to talk to someone about how they feel.

Gourd, a junior, was on the Pinconning basketball team and liked to fish and golf. He also was involved in the Boys & Girls Clubs of Bay County Pinconning unit, where he had been a member for more than nine years.

Joe Golombek, a friend of the Gourd family and a unit director at the Boys & Girls Clubs, was especially close to Shane Gourd.

''Even the younger kids looked up to him,'' Golombek said. ''He wouldn't disregard anyone because of their age.''

Golombek played basketball with Gourd on Saturday.

''He was looking forward to the basketball season that was going to start up in a month or so,'' he said, crying.

Golombek said many people knew Gourd, who also worked at the Pinny Food Center.

''The whole community was affected by this,'' he said.