From an email: He was my wonderful husband that I will always miss dearly. He went out for a boy's day on the water and when they pulled up to this one island in their boat to this island they got to swim. They did not realize that there was a fast and fierce current just lying underneath what APPEARED to be calm water. He was swimming in the water without a lofe jacket and he got pulled under by this awful current. The current was like a tornado under water and dragged him straight down. My husband was an EXCELLENT swimmer and could not escape this current. He lost his life that day, 5 June 2004. The day that life as I knew it ended as well. He is with Jesus now. If there is one thing that can be learned by this posting is DO NOT TRUST YOUR OWN ABILITES!! JUST BECAUSE YOU THINK THAT YOU CAN SWIM DOES NOT MEAN YOU CAN TAKE ON A STRONG CURRENT!! IF YOU DO NOT KNOW THE WATER YOU ARE SWIMMING AND OR YOU CANT SEE THE BOTTOM WEAR A LIFE JACKET!! YOU NEVER KNOW WHAT IS LYING BELOW THE SURFACES OF CALM LOOKING WATERS!!