From Kati's last blog -

God, everyone, i know i have screwed up. i know a lot of y'all dont feel like you know me, and i am fully aware that the, i dont know how long, i have been out of my head on pills. i know its hard to maintain friendships, or any type of relationship when you're constantly not in a state of real conciousness. i've been somewhere else in my own head for way too long, and i sadly have lost the respect, trust, and friendship from the people i love and care about most. you all dont know how badly i regret that. I've been off pills for a month. im more alert, more opinionated, more able to engage in conversation than i have been in a very long time. The only problem is that i dont have anyone to talk to, my friends for good reason dont really trust that i have changed. But i want to prove to them that i have.