From a myspace comment -

10 Apr 2007 11:52 AM
I've been pretty down.
My grandma died tuesday and later that day we found out my moms boyfriend has terminal cancer.
then thursday with dan.
its just too much at once...
ya know
i went to his funeral today and it was closed casket because he used a shotgun i think.
he showed it to me before.
can't handle it hes my best guy friend me and him have been talking for like 4 hours a day on the phone and now its like ill never hear him or see him again.
and then theres the million questions and what ifs with dan i have so many mixed feelings and guilt becuase he called me that day and i was busy and if i talked to him he wouldve come over and been fine..and im mad at him for it but then im soo sad over it and i just dont know what to think about it.
its just a hard situation.
I'm sorry but suicide is a selfish thing to do because it causes so much pain to the ones you love