A myspace blog:

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Christopher Underwood
Current mood: shocked
Category: Romance and Relationships

There was once this guy, whom I loved so very very much. His name is Christopher Matthew Underwood, and he affected my life in more than one way. No one knows how strong their relationship with someone, or how much they have, until it is gone forever. It is natural for people to want so much more than they already have and to take what they have for granted. I realized this after Chris died this morning after prom. I loved him so much, and he will never know how much he truly meant to me. I loved him like I have loved no one else in my entire life. We had this mutual trust between one another and always knew that the other one had our back in any situation. I knew that I could tell Chris anything in the entire world and he would never judge me or think differently of me in any way. I knew that I could call him at any hour and he would be there to take me home. I realize now how much stronger our relationship could have been though, and regret having never acted on it.

Everyone's lives who have ever been touched by Chris are now different, all of us are thinking about how fast everything can be taken away. In the blink of an eye. No one thought that last night was going to be the last time they saw Chris. If YOU knew, what would you have said? What wouldn't you have said? What would you have done differently? There is so much that everyone would have done, and now cant.

What was the last words between you and Chris? Did he die angry at you? Were you angry with him? If so, what for? The last words spoken between Chris and I were "I love you [ ], thank you"..."I love you too". It cant get any better than that, I truly did love him, and I wish more than anything that I could have told him how much I appreciated him.

Imagine how Chris's parents are feeling right now, they found their eldest son dead this morning, on Mothers Day. They will never hear "I love you" from him ever, ever again. They wont be able to watch him walk at Graduation, or join the Navy, or watch him be married and start a family of his own.

I guess the point of this blog is to make everyone think about how they treat eachother, and how much better they could be as a person. No one deserves to be hated, everyone should be forgiven, friends deserved to be cherished and loved, and parents deserve to be appreciated. Your parents would give the world for you if they could, no matter how mad you get at them sometimes.

All in all, when you go to bed tonight, and go to school tomorrow, think about how people feel about you....if it is bad, make it change. Only you can make them think differently. Think about the last thing you said to your parents, was it something you truly didnt mean? If you dont wake up in the morning, how are people going to remember you?

Live and love today like it is your last day here, and before you think about how much more you could have, think about what you DO have, and cherish it with all your heart. Everything could always be so much worse.

Much love everyone who reads this.