An employee of a Claremont paper company was killed after he was pulled through a paper roller machine on Monday morning, fire officials said.

Leo P. Gonyea, 34, of Enfield, N.H., was found under the machine at APC Paper Company on Sullivan Street.

"On arrival, firefighters determined the worker was not in the machine but had somehow gone through the machine," said Claremont Fire Chief Peter Chase.

Emergency officials responded to the accident at 8:49 a.m. and provided life support at the scene and on the way to the hospital.

Gonyea was pronounced dead at 10:08 a.m. at Valley Regional Hospital.

Fire officials said the man was found by a co-worker. It appears no other employees witnessed the accident.

The New Hampshire Occupational Safety and Health Administration was on scene to investigate.

APC Paper said Gonyea was a temporary employee. Operations at the mill were shut down for the day and grief counselors were on-site.

Supervisors said Gonyea was well-liked and his death is devastating to the 60 employees who work there.

Gonyea was due to get married next month and was a father of two children.