Lucene Hammon Zitting was born March 9, 1968. She passed away from the results of a car accident March 27, 2011. Her family would
like to express their deep-felt appreciation for the five-star treatment she received from the Colorado City emergency response team, DRMC, the life-flight crew, and the staff of IMC Murray, Utah, especially Lucene's trauma unit nurses.

Lucene was met by many loved ones on the Other Side, including her first husband Allen, her sister Merle, her father and several mothers, and her good friend Audrey.

She is survived by her family: Richard, Anthony, Aaron, Linda, Patrick, Elaine, David, Gabriel, Taylor, Lexus, Lydia, Felicia, Rebecca, Malinda, Riley, Muriel, Ashley, Autumn, Laura, Allen, Arland, Adam, Andrew, Abraham, Lorna, Alexander, and Aeryk, and the family of Daniel and Audrey Dutson.